Sewage Treatment & Disposal Systems

Drip Irrigation

We are one of only a few in the state of Ohio that are licensed to install and service this type of system. We currently have over 110 high quality installations completed in central Ohio.

These systems are pressurized to ensure an even distribution of wastewater into the soil. They utilize small diameter tubing with pressure compensating emitters to apply wastewater uniformly over an infiltration system.

Drip distribution works on the principle of timed micro-dosing to maintain aerobic conditions in the soil. Timed micro-dosing applies effluent to the soil at specific intervals throughout a 24 hour period which allows for improved wastewater treatment. This pattern of application requires sufficient system storage to allow for occasional peak flows when water usage is heavy.

Health Department regulations require these systems to be specially engineered and have strict specifications on their designs. When properly sited, designed, installed, and maintained; drip systems can help overcome the typical problems associated with uneven wastewater distribution which often results in the surfacing of wastewater within the area over the distribution field, as well as sewage odors and other nuisance conditions.

Spray Irrigation System

Spray irrigation is an efficient way to nourish plants and apply reclaimed wastewater to the land; however, in order to protect public health and reduce odors, the wastewater must be treated to a very high level before being used in this type of system. Treatment is achieved through the use of septic tanks to waste stabilization ponds, or through mechanical pretreatment and disinfection systems. After treatment, filtration, and disinfection, the effluent is sent under pressure through the mains and lines of the spray distribution system at pre-set times and rates.
Vegetation and soil microorganisms metabolize most nutrients and organic compounds in the wastewater during percolation through the first several inches of soil. The cleaned water is then absorbed by deep-rooted vegetation, or it passes through the soil to the ground water. The irrigated area must be vegetated and landscaped to minimize runoff and erosion. When properly designed and installed, most spray systems provide uniform distribution to plants and eliminate discharge to streams. Spray irrigation is sometimes permitted as an alternative wastewater disposal method for sites previously considered unsuitable for onsite systems such as difficult sites with slowly permeable soils, with seasonal perched water or shallow ground water or bedrock, or complex topographies.

Chambered Systems

The chamber system serves as an alternative design to the gravel/stone system and has been used in many states for over 30 years. The primary advantage of the chamber system is increased ease of delivery and construction, as well as the ability to install at shallow depths. They are also well suited to areas with high groundwater tables, where the volume of influent to the septic system is variable, or in an area where gravel is scarce.
This type of system consists of a series of connected chambers. The area around and above the chambers is filled with soil. These chambers receive wastewater flow from a septic tank or other treatment device. The wastewater is then transmitted through the open bottom and side louvers of the chambers into the soil for final treatment and disposal. Microbes on or near the soil treat the effluent.

Leaching Tile Fields

The typical household sewage system installed throughout the country for decades has utilized a septic tank and a leaching tile field. By design, the sewage flows from the tank to the leaching area where it drains from clay tile or perforated pipes laid in gravel trenches. The wastewater then enters the soil where it must be properly filtered, distributed, and absorbed so that it does not pose a contamination threat to groundwater.
Leaching systems can function well in areas with well drained soils. Unfortunately, much of the remaining areas being built on consists of poorly drained clay soils. These soils are often compacted and have very little absorption capacity. The soil permeability – the rate at which water percolates into the soil – is very slow. Poorly drained soils are typically saturated with water during wet weather and stay wet for long periods of time after a heavy rain. Since much of the space between the soil particles is already filled with water, the effluent leaving the sewage system is forced to rise and collect on the surface of the ground causing foul-smelling and swampy conditions. Leaching fields installed in these soils can only function properly during periods of dry weather. Some local areas are also effected by very shallow bedrock. The thin layer of soil which covers the bedrock is insufficient in depth to support a leaching system.

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